This week was great! We had MLC on Tuesday and Zone Training on Friday! Sister Layton and I got to train on Patience- which is what Sister Hanks trained on at MLC. I loved it so much! Patience is HARD to gain, I am far from done working on it. (:
One of my favorite scriptures on patience is Alma 34:41, which says:
"But that ye have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions."
In other news, the Elders gave us some cookies with an interesting twist.
They found this guy tracting and decided they would like to scare the crap out of me.. It worked.
Yesterday we met an amazing girl named Jasmine! We went to go see this family we met at Wal-Mart, and then started knocking the neighboring doors. Next thing we know this adorable 18 year old girl with a huge smile on her face invited us in! At the end of the lesson, we asked if she had any questions. She said: "Just one: Where can I get one of those books!?" We started laughing and handed her the Book of Mormon. She was so touched that we would give it to her for free! I'm excited to see her again.
Transfer calls came on Saturday! I will be getting Sister Moline, who is actually a Spanish speaking missionary. I'm really excited to meet her, I hear she is a lot of fun. (: Also, Happy Birthday to my cute Mama today! I love her so so much. Well that's all for this week! I hope y'all have a good one and remember how much I love you!
-Sister Merrill
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